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Introducing the cherished talking macaw parrots residing in Venezuela’s capital, Caracas

The cherished talking macaw parrots residing in Venezuela’s capital, Caracas

Talking Macaws for sale. In a brief escape from the confines of the COVID pandemic, Linar Mazorra ascended to the rooftop of her building to savor the fresh outdoor air in 2020. To her astonishment, she was greeted by an unexpected spectacle. Numerous majestic, oversized macaws. congregating just before sunset, all drawn by a neighbor who was generously feeding them. Captivated by the grandeur of these birds, Zamora was deeply touched by the sight. Like the macaws, she too initiated a daily routine of ascending to the rooftop to revel in their magnificence.

“No matter what the circumstances, everyone knows that at 4 p.m., I return home to commune with my guacamayas on the rooftop,” she remarks.

These birds, with the potential to reach lengths of up to three feet, have become an emblem of Caracas. the capital city nestled in a valley separated from the Caribbean Sea by the Venezuelan Coastal Range mountains. They frequent the rooftops and balconies of numerous buildings in their quest for sustenance. People provide them with food and inundate social media with images of their vibrant blue, green, yellow, and red plumage. (Generally, experts discourage the feeding of wild animals due to the potential harm and dependence it can create. But this advice doesn’t seem to apply or be heeded in this particular case.)

Furthermore, residents share anecdotes about these birds as if they were part of their own miniature soap operas. “The yellow one is romantically involved with the orange one, but she’s facing mistreatment,” one might say.

Over time, these birds have evolved into the shared symbols of the capital.

Talking Macaws for sale a Multitude of Colors

The distinctive feature of Caracas’s macaws lies in their remarkable diversity, as explained by biologist Malú, a professor at Bolívar University. “Among macaws, parrots, and parakeets, we have 17 different species taking flight here,” González elaborates.

This assortment encompasses four macaw species, all indigenous to Venezuela. The maracana (Ara severa), primarily green, stands as the smallest and the sole representative from this central region. The flag macaw (Ara macao), with its yellow, blue, and red plumage reminiscent of the national tricolor flag. originally hails from the plains and the Amazon region. The red-and-green macaw (Ara chloroptera) maintains modest populations in the country’s eastern and western regions. The skies of Caracas have witnessed a takeover by the blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna), displacing the latter two species

“An entire generation grew up with a parrot, parakeet, or macaw in their households,” González elaborates. “Some of these birds escaped, while others were set free.”

In conversations about the macaws of Caracas

Poggi, a Spanish immigrant, is frequently mentioned. He once rescued an injured blue-and-yellow macaw and, though he didn’t confine the bird, it faithfully trailed behind him as he navigated the city streets on his motorcycle. Poggi earned the moniker “macaw boy.” Talking Macaws for sale


Gonzalez, underscores that. “The reality is that these birds make terrible pets,” González asserts. “They are noisy, destructive, and messy. Many people acquired them because of their beauty. The initial month may seem idyllic, but eventually, they find it unbearable and seek ways to part with them.”

For many years, Poggi set free numerous of these birds he had received from individuals weary of caring for them at their residences. Contributing to the proliferation of macaws in the urban environment. This wasn’t the sole factor driving the increase in macaw numbers. But, as Gonzalez explains, it did play a role in promoting the prevalence of the blue-and-yellow macaws.

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